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Tiger Cubs Ep 1
 Just watched the first episode of Tiger Cubs. I thought it was pretty good. The episode was pretty long though. 

Joe plays a very good role as the head of SDU. And here comes the newbies.

Typical characters. One's good at it and ones not as good and lags behind. Him's character is pretty similar to some of his. Also very confident in everything and doesn't follow orders. While Vincent seems to be hesitating? When he was ordered to shoot the guy with a hostage. 

JJ and Kenneth are awesome as villains. Really enjoyed them both, did a great job. I didn't expect them to be captured so quickly at the end of episode and also JJ betraying Kenneth but maybe its a plan?! XD Look forward to seeing them more. I think her Cantonese improved.

And here's the scene where JJ talks to Jessica and tells her she will confess Kenneth's crimes. I liked how Kenneth loves JJ a lot. He said he wouldn't leave her behind, that was so sweet. 

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