It was Fala's birthday, Ha Yu was going to go to the party but Michelle tries to stop him. She brakes his glasses so he can't see and tells "Goun" to pretend to say that car is broken down. When Ha Yu finally gives up, he rings Michelle on the phone centre, when Michelle picks the phone, she immediatley says, "Is it 'Ah Jou'?" So Ha Yu quickly hangs up. Then he finally gets to Fala's party and help celebrate even though the cake was all smashed.
Fala's birthday party, when they sings her song, and she wishes. She wishes that everyone can forgive Ha Yu.
Chris comes back from Japan and finds that Lousie went up to Michelle and shouted at her in front of everyone. He comes and tells her not to do it again. Lousie gets hurt badily. Raymond heard it and took him to the basketbsll court where everyone is and aruged.
Moses was going to help "Ka Hao Yuet Yoon" for advertising but he got mad and gives it up and tells the truth that Chris wasn't the one who made Michelle lose her baby. Ha Yu got really mad.
Lousie was thinking back at the times when everyone was smaller and she stands there waiting for them to come back from school. Chris was there too. Then while she was thinking, she sees a car coming. She sees them come out, she was happy and until she sees Chris too, she was shocked and suprised yet very happy.