I was bored and then I started making sets. They're not too bad are they? If you want to use them, feel free too, but please ask me first and then i'll give you the links since i put them together.i like this one, its very simple but nice. i'm currently using it for TY Forum
02. selena
this one is alright, i don't like it much, though i like the icon more.
03. natalie - the red sea
04. elaine - devil

this one is alright, i don't like it much, though i like the icon more.

i like both icon and banner but i won't call it a set maybe? coz they look different. lol. a slight to red for the banner. but i like the red sea ^^

this one is alright, i kinda like it too. gonna appear in everything elaine too.
i like this set the most!! ^^ lol, couldn't think of a better quote though. but its true though.
please comments about my graphics! ^^ and once again, ask before using. thank you.
like this one alot too. least the design is a little different from the others.
please comments about my graphics! ^^ and once again, ask before using. thank you.