The Mysteries Of Love Graphics

My Comments:
Four posters... three FungYi and one KxB. There weren't much Kenneth and Bernice pictures so yea. And that poster is quite simple too. Which poster is your favorite? I can't really choose, I actually like all haha. But if I have to choose one, it'd be one of the FungYi ones... prob the dark one? Or the one that JUSt says TMOL. I've realized most of my graphics are light themed... lol. Should try more dark since they're nice.
p.s. i like kenneth's smile there! One on the bottom of KxB poster ^^ Haha. Omg... I really look forward to MOL!!! XD

My Comments:
I don't like the Raymond one I made at all... The font wrecked But the picture of him is nice. :) For the Kenneth ones, I like the first one more. Both of them, I added this texture, makes it look more interesting but the second one totally failed... I shouldn't of used that texture. Lol. What does everyone think?