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MR Episode 1
Moonlight Resonance Episode 1
The Episode starts off saying Ha Yu and Lousie trying to get their children to themseleves since they have divorced. The laywer end up with Raymond, Tavia and Fala with Lousie and Moses, Bosco and Chris with Ha Yu.

In here, They grow up and Fala, Raymond and Tavia, went to pick up her aunt. Which is Susanna Kwan, her character is 'Sa'. She is kinda bitchy and stuff.

Then later, Raymond met Linda. When they were little, they were really good friends, and actually had feelings towards each other. But Linda soon had to move overseas to study so they got separated.

My Comments: Sorry, a very breif episode review. I can't do episode 2, I can't find the version I watched, they cutted the scenes I want to put on. T__T Moses and stuff haven't come ut yet in episode 1 and 2. Maybe in 3. Well, in episode 2 was kinda funny, like when Fala, Raymond and Tavia used hand geatures in front of Susanna Kwan, talking about her and wen Sussanna used a mop to hit Ha Yu. Those were really funny, but sorry can't get screencaps.

And Scroll down to see news of Tavia and Moses...

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