D.I.E - Episode 25
Note: I was going to do the happy ending screencaps too but then I thought I got too much screencaps for this already so I couldn't be bothered and besides there's alot of the other one if I really do screencaps The Sad Ending

Roger and Sonija were planning to get married, they tried on the wedding dress and etc. When they went outside, Sonija saw 'Da Hal Ying' She chased after him and caught him. But then, the blocker for blocking teh truck from moving has gone and then Sonija and 'Da Hal Ying' was there and nearly got crashed, luckily Roger creamed to tell Sonija to move, they moved and were safe but then the truck moved towards Roger's side.

There wasn't enough time to move I guess, so he rolled over at a car and luckily was safe too. But unforunatly...

My Comments: I think it was a really pity that Roger died in the series, even though he didn't really die in real life but it just makes me feel really pity for him. The ending was so bad after all. They all seem happy. Hope they will make a sequel! ;)