The Gentle Crackdown II - Episode 2
I didn't do episode 3 sceen captures, but instead I did episode 2, there was a little funny scene at the end:
This is funny, Yumiko, is proud of herself that she gets the 'Yen Shen Zhi Gou Shou Mo Shi' (人生自古誰無死) board thingy and she keeps talking and keeps swinging the board around and everyone would have to duck down or esle they would get hit, I tried taking sceen shot of when she swings but it was too fast, so I couldn't. At the end, Steven Ma asks Wayne Lai, 'When will this stop?' and Wayne Lai points up one finger and ducks down and when Steven looks around, he gets hit.
Yumiko: Dad! I finally got the 'Yen Shen Zhi Gou Shou Mo Shi' (人生自古誰無死) board, I didn't think about getting this. If you didn't teach me 'Yen Shen Zhi Gou Shou Mo Shi' (人生自古誰無死) I wouldn't have today. Dad, you deverse this board.
Steven: If we go slower, we could get hit (not correctly right)
Yumiko: And, second I have to thank all of my fathers and mothers, you all deverse this board too. And, I last have to thank, all my brothers (兄弟) that have been with me. 'Tse Official' (Steven Ma), 'Da Lou Yea' (Wayne Lai), Goui Ming, isn't just for me, 'Ah Mei' (Yumiko Cheng), It deverses to everyone, Thanks to everyone's support.
Steven: How many more times does she have to swing?
Wayne Lai: (points up one finger)
Steven Ma then gets hit and the episode then ends, If you want to see the scene on video, click here to see it. And if you want to see the theme video of 'The Gentle Crackdown II' and can't be bothered finding it, click here to see it.