Beyond The Realm Of Conscience Opening Theme Screencaps

My Comments: Wow, Beyond looks so interesting in the themevideo. Remember to watch it for those who haven't yet. I really liked these two particular screencap, the one with Charmaine and Tavia happily and a picture of them small. And the one with Tavia already a concubine and Charmaine walks away from Tavia and they look very sad. Shows their sisterly love, though it seems so sad. I reallly anticipate to watch this series and especially the ending, what happens to Tavia. I can't wait to watch!! ^^

My Comments: Wow, Beyond looks so interesting in the themevideo. Remember to watch it for those who haven't yet. I really liked these two particular screencap, the one with Charmaine and Tavia happily and a picture of them small. And the one with Tavia already a concubine and Charmaine walks away from Tavia and they look very sad. Shows their sisterly love, though it seems so sad. I reallly anticipate to watch this series and especially the ending, what happens to Tavia. I can't wait to watch!! ^^