Then Shirley went to the places where people use their shoes to hit some paper to pretend that they'e hitting someone they don't like. Known as 【打小人】. Shirley went there to hit Jack but then she sees Jack hitting someone. She didn't care who it was but sinc she thinks that Jack gives her boad luck, she decides to leave.

When Shirley was cooking, Jack went into the kitchen to find Shirley. Jack gave Shirley something, it was for the 【打小人】 thing. Jack said he hit for her today and Shirley said, her '小人' is Jack. Then Shirley found out that Jack was actually hitting himself today. He said he doesn't believe in them so he doesn't care.
Then Later, in the episode, they will talk about Shirley's parents, Shirley's mum is actually a nun right now, She and Paul Chun once were together, then they had Shirey but then Shirley's mum was actually married and she killed her husband. Then she gave Shirley to Nancy Sit.
My Comments: What do you think of this episode? They finally revealed about Shirley's parents. I've seen some other screencaps of Shirley being the daughter of Paul Chun and she was wearing these nice clothes, can't wait to finish the series.
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