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A Journey Called Life - Episode 19
A really SAD episode

Fala got dumped by her boss because she killed her baby, but her boss was only playing her. She was driving drunk and then she nearly hit someone but she moved and accidentally hit Linda instead, and Linda's baby is 7 months old in her stomach.

They went to hospital, the doctors said Linda was okay, but then they had to have an operation to take the baby out of Linda's stomach becuase it has already died in her stomach. Steven and Linda was really sad, but they will still need to take the baby out, Linda then gave birth to the baby. Steven asked if he could see their baby, they handed it over and they looked at it and started cry. Soon after when Steven went out, he was really sad and angry, he slapped Fala and told them the baby died. Steven really couldn't get it over, soon I believe, Steven will have lots of problems and everything.

My Comments: This is a really sad episode, if you watch it later, you'll feel sad for them and maybe even cry, well, I didn't really but I had some tears. I can handle without crying, but I think some people would really cry, coz I don't usually cry at all, I just have some tears. Sigh....wonder if Linda would be pregeant again, since her doctor said she can't have baby easily.


Added 'Episode Write Ups' on sidebar, currently have TSD and AJCL, not all episodes are there but those are most of my fave scenes.

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