Raymond and other people, along with the Blue Sky Clan go to the king's brother's palace. When they get there, later the bridge breaksm they have to stay there before the bridge is fixed and before the bridge has break, Kenneth came to arrest someone. And later, that person gets killed. Selena's father gets suspected.
Selena wants to see her dad in the prisons. Kenneth stops her, Selena tries fighting back but she is no fight with Kenneth, he also says her kungfu cannot compete with his. Selena left very angrily and telling him to quickly find the real murderer.
Afterwards, Selena is still very angry and she bites on her servants arm. Then she calms down. Later, more people gets killed.
Raymond uses a way to try finding the murderer, two people stay together and watch each other out. Kenneth starts talking about that her father can still be a suspect even though they have already found out that he shouldn't be. Selena gets mad and once again tries attacking Kenneth but of coruse she was unsuccessful. Selena tells Kenneth to stop suspecting her father or else she will not forget it.
My Comments: Oh, I love Selena and Kenneth's Moments! xD Oh btw, these aren't my screencaptures, something was wrong with the video so I decided to use screenshots from Baidu, so credit to Baidu. And also, Click the screenshots to enlarge, they look a bit small and weird like this. =.=