Ending of Couples in The Four
[Raymond & Kate] - Mo Ching & Zi Yin

[Kenneth & Selena] - Tie Shou & Yuk Fei
This couple is my favorite out of all. They had chemistry and they were more talked about. I loved their story, their scenes were very cute, too bad they didn't get married in the end, but their ending was the best out of all couples I recon.
[Ron & Cilla] - Lang Huet & Siu Dou
This couple is alright, but in the end was quite ridicous. Ron had a little chance to say that he likes her but then Joel appeared, then never mind, then what about this scene, above?? He got his chance to confess!! When i watched it, I was like, GO SAY IT!! Too bad, she became a nun. ==
[Sammul & Vivi] - Jou Meng & Yaw Dong
This couple had the least chemistry but was a little cute couple in the end. In the end, she went to some other place to leanr something and didn't end up together. Sad..
The Best Endings, I recon are..
1. Kenneth & Selena
2. Raymond & Kate
3. Sammul & Vivi
4. Ron & Cilla
Now, polling time! Its no use letting you guys vote for the best couple coz I know most of you would choose Raymond and Kate because of Raymond...some would pick Selena and Kenneth. So this time, just a LITTLE different, the poll.

[Ron & Cilla] - Lang Huet & Siu Dou

[Sammul & Vivi] - Jou Meng & Yaw Dong

The Best Endings, I recon are..
1. Kenneth & Selena
2. Raymond & Kate
3. Sammul & Vivi
4. Ron & Cilla
Now, polling time! Its no use letting you guys vote for the best couple coz I know most of you would choose Raymond and Kate because of Raymond...some would pick Selena and Kenneth. So this time, just a LITTLE different, the poll.