Series Review: The Gentle Crackdown II

Episodes: 20
Cast: Steven Ma, Yumiko Cheng, Wayne Lai, Ha Yu and etc
Having lost her father at an early age, farm security guard CHAN SAI-MUI (Yumiko Cheng) grew to be an outspoken and determined woman who would do her utmost to protect her home village. It is her sincerity that has won her respect from all villagers of the Leung Choi County. Sometimes she would get too enthusiastic and impulsive that she could bring about a lot of misunderstandings. Amusingly, she has mistaken the newly appointed agricultural official TSE WONG-SHEUNG (literal meaning "Thank you, Emperor") (Steven Ma) for a thief and the two of them have been bitter enemies ever since. To keep himself from any possible trouble, SHEUNG has been avoiding MUI intentionally.
For the benefit of his son's future, SHEUNG's father TSE CHONG-TIN (Ha Yu) has not only invited the intelligent TAI TSUNG-MAN (Wayne Lai) to be SHEUNG's assistant, but also found him four special bodyguards namely CHUK, FUN, MIN and FAN. Despite the best arrangements for SHEUNG, he still gets framed by the corrupted officials from Changsha and is in danger of facing the most torturing punishment. Luckily, MUI and MAN manage to save him in the nick of time with a jade bowl bestowed by the former emperor. To everyone's surprise, the jade bowl turns out a fake, but with MAN's wit and courage, SHEUNG is finally saved from danger. MUI has been through a lot together with SHEUNG and is starting to fall in love with him. SHEUNG, on the other hand, has no feelings for MUI and decides to turn to MAN for tips as to how to break away from her. Mysteriously, SHEUNG starts being pursued by a hitman soon afterwards.
My Comments: Oh, I love this series!!! I enjoyed the whole thing, I didn't miss any episodes or scenes for this one. I really liked this one, I liked the cast, the storyline and etc. I really liked Yumiko as 'Chan Sai Mui' She did really god, so as Steven Ma, I liked most of the characters. I too used to Wayne Lai not talking and when he startes talking again, he's always so quiet, it makes me think that he's still not talking. I remember I liked 'The Gentle Crackdown' too, but I also really like 'The Gentle Crackdown II' I guess alot of people like it too, I saw the ratings for this was, 1st week - 28, 2nd week - 27, 3rd week - 25, 4th week - 32 peeking to 37. I don't know why it's going down, but I really like this series. My parents said it was okay at first but then turned boring, but I have other opinons. It got quite interesting when Steven Ma was trying to find evdience that 'Tai Tsung Mo' is actually 'Tai Tsung Mun', 'Ta Lo Yeh' I really enjoyed that part of it.
Main Cast Thoughts:
Steven Ma: I think Steven Ma improved in his acting in this series alot, alot of people said that. I really liked the part in the last episode where he pretends to forget everything and try to make Yumiko forgive him, since Yumiko pretend to forget about everything that happened between them two. Also, I liked scenes between Yumiko and Steven.
Yumiko Cheng: Everyone says this is her first series, Is it really? I think its not, its just her first series being main character. I've seen her in 'The Amazing Twins' a series with HK stars and China stars and Yumiko was one but she died in that series. I really liked Yumiko as 'Chan Sai Mui' like I said before, At first when I haven't started watching it, I thought maybe Yumiko wouldn't do it well and I don't know her that much but actually she did really good! I really liked her charcter and Steven's and also Wayne Lai's.
Wayne Lai: I enjoyed watching Wayne Lai and Steven Ma finding evidence for every single case, it was quite interesting, especially the case, where Elaine's father died of thist and hunger. But I remember that case from another series.
Actor: Steven Ma
Actress: Yumiko Cheng
Least Favorite Character: Evergreen Mak
Improved Character: Elaine Yiu
Couple: Steven Ma & Yumiko Cheng
Scene: All funny scenes, Most Yumiko and Steven Scenes, Heaps
My rate to this series: *****
Worth Watching?
YES!! Definatley!!! I enjoyed the whole thing, even if you don't like it as much as me, I guess everyone would like it a little at least.