MR Episode 34 & 35
Moonlight Resonance - Episode 34 & 35
Michelle wants to sell 30% of "Ka Hao Yuet Yoon" to her ex husband but of coruse Lee Huang Kum doesn't want to. She comes and ruins it, she goes to the table and rips up the paper.
On the other hand, Michelle's ex husband also hit Ha Yu causing his' vision to go weird again. He went to the hospital but he didn't say a thing about it was Michelle's ex husband hit them like that. When it was the Moon Festivial (again, the thrid time in MR) and they also hold a function in the shopping centre like last time and while Moses was handing out Moon cakes, he fainted. Doctors said his has heart problems. In the end of this episode, Ha Yu comes and ruins like Lee Huang Kum. Moses wakes up, Moses, Ha Yu and Lee Huang Kum is at hospital for this episode.