Short Review of 2008 TVB Series
Ones I didn't watch: When Dogs Love Cats and Your Class or Mine
Rest, I watched...
Ones, I haven't yet finished: The Four and The Gem of Life
Therefore, I won't comment about those that I haven't finished and didn't watch.
Therefore, I won't comment about those that I haven't finished and didn't watch.
The Good:

Wars of in Laws II: This series was quite funny, especially the first episode, it was the first episode that attracted me to keep watching.
Survivor's Law II: I recon this one was better than WOIL2. Kenneth's character was funny and his relationship with Ella was funny too, while the other pair was a little plain but I still enjoyed watching the series.
The Gentle Crackdown II: Not much people liked this series, but I loved it! Every played very well especially Wayne! He's definaltey gonna get an award for this. I loved watching Yumiko and Seteven too, they're funny. And Elaine and Johnson Lee was a cute couple too.
A Journey Called Life: This series is really good, it tells you life's ups and downs. Linda's character was very realistic. I love the pairing Steven and Linda.
D.I.E: I love this series too, it was so funny! Can't wait to see the sequel if its as good.
Catch Me Now: This series was very interesting to watch. I loved watching how they plan to steal and etc etc. Koni was very good, everyone started to like her after watching that but too bad she's not in any other series yet, if she was, I'm sure, more people would start liking her.
Moonlight Resoance: Don't need to ask right? Of coruse I like this series, everyone does. It was better than the pre-sequel too. This series is definatley winning, no doubt about it. All the characters played really well, especially Tavia, she greatly improved her acting skills but seriously, once again, why'd TVB put her in "Improved" category!! Anyway, this series was overall very good.
The Legend of Demigods: I totally love this series, I haven't seen ancient fantasy series in ages, this series so cool. Well for me it is xD. If there wasn't Moonlight, I recon this series should win! But lol I doubt it, not much people like these kinda series. Loved Linda and Sunny here, Benny was very funny too xDD
The Okay:

Word Twisters Adventure: This series was overall alright. I liked watching Charmaine and Jordan Chan, they were quite funny. But still, I actually really liked this series too, but I think I'll put it in the Okay list, on top too xD. I actually started liking Sharon and Charmaine more in this series, but now, not that much.
The Seventh Day: Lots of people liked The Seventh Day, but I recon its not the best series, the reason why people were so over it, I think its because of the pre-sequel and because of its Kevin and Niki, the bets couple? LOL But i really enjoyed watching Bosco and Natalie, Natalie totally improved, too bad she wasn't nominated.
The Silver Chamber Sorrows: This series was alright too, the only thing that attracted me most was of coruse the cute couple Shirley and Jack. Shirley is one of my favorite actresses so I liked watching them. But how come theres so less Shirley series this year? All the others are guest roles like in FH2.
Forensic Heroes II: Fh2 wasn't too bad, but not best either. Everyone was quite excited about this series, but I didn't anticipate much, the only thing I would anticipate is Selena! But still, I have to admit, Selena's case was the most interesting one of all. Shirley's one was quite boring, but at least Shirley was in it xD.
Speech of Silence: I was anticipating for this series but it kinda disapointed me. It wasn't as good as I imagined. It was an okay series but not very good.
Love Exchange: This series is alright too, sometimes can be quite interesting but sometimes can be really boring. So, don't have much comments on this one, plus the cast...disapointing.
Last One Standing: This series was alright too, maybe I'd put this on the second or thrid on the okay list? It was quite interesting and exciting especially the last few episodes. The ending was weird though.
The Bad:

The Master of Tai Chi: Boring series...only liked watching Selena bits but her story wasn't very interesting with Kenneth.
The Money-maker Recipe: Boring again, this one is extremly boring!
The Buliding Blocks of Life: Again..BORING! Only liked watching Tavia but was still very boring..
Marriage of Inconvience: This is very boring too, only some bits were better.