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StarHub Awards
Long time no post o.o So decided to post about this. A little about who or what I voted also.
Everyone, remember to vote:

To be honest, I only remember a few of the themesongs of these dramas... 6 out of 10. I voted for Hippocratic Crush :D

This was a hard one.. coz I didn't particular liked any. I think I choose Kenneth and Tavia. I liked their storyline.

Hehe guess who I choose?! It's obvious xD Kenneth it is!! Most of them are very deserving too though. My second choice would probably be Wayne Lai.

Yea.. you know who. 

And you know which one I choose right?! Yes, its Hippocratic Crush. Ghetto Justice was a good one too but since I never really watched the drama fully I didn't choose it. I liked The Other Truth and Forensic Heroes III too but Hippocratic Crush was better for me. 

I seriously don't get why Aimee is in this list... it pisses me off seeing her in this list. This list is exactly the same as Fave Female Character... except for Aimee and Selena. They should replace Aimee with Selena with this one.

I choose Selena to support her. I did like her character, I didn't particular liked any of the other nominees though, as their character. Prob choose Tavia if Selena wasn't in this.

I don't watch shows anymore so I randomly picked one.
Have fun everyone voting. 

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