House of Harmony and Vengeance Thoughts

Have started a few episodes of this. Like my first impression of Queens of Diamond and Heart, I thought it was one of those quite serious type of ancient dramas but it didn't seem to be like one, but it is a bit more serious than QODAH I'd say. The cast is alright and Bobby is quite funny. At first I thought Bobby's character would be a very nice person like some of his roles but he's not as nice as I imagined. He thought of ways to get Myolie out of the dancing school and yea, but he's not like evil or something though. All thanks to Bobby's pimple thing from his butt, Myolie gets to go back to the dancing school again LOL.
Linda's character also seems to be more different from her usual nice girl roles, maybe a bit like Miss Koo?! I quite like her character :) The dancing in here looks very traditional, elegant and beautiful too. I find it funny how Oscar refers himself as the older brother of Linda and Linda says he's the little brother xD Unless he meant he's the oldest son of their family.
I do feel sorry for Evergreen since he lost his memories and his identity. It seems it might be revealed that he's the real Kiu Bo Long soon?! I was hoping it to stay longer but who knows, it might. I think his face gets fixed soon too probably?! xD His character is a very nice guy it seems :) Don't hope to see him turn evil or something... Might happen though?!
I don't really like JJ's makeup, it makes her look a bit like a different person and somewhat evil. But yea her character is supposed to be ish evil and kinda bitchy so I guess it fits the character. Dunno if its just me? But it sounds like her cantonese improved a little but its a bit weird seeing her in an ancient series where language is supposed to be spoken more fluent lol. (maybe its just me?! xD)