Gloves Come Off Thoughts
Started about 9 episodes? Truthfully, Gloves Come Off was better than I expected. Everything, all the promo clips, trailers made the drama seem pretty boring but I guess it wasn't too bad. It's not the best or very very interesting either though. I like Kevin's character more than Raymond's. I didn't like Raymond in the first episode, he was annoying. He's not annoying any more but he's very immature which is a typical tvb character. I don't wanna see Raymond go down the wrong path lol. Bet he would according to the trailers.
Also, Selena's character was better than I expected. I liked how she always stick into Kevin's business and helps him a lot. It's surprising seeing a CEO girl always hanging out with a normal and poor citizen and also is an employee of her company. I liked how she stood for her to Kate's father. Probably would talk more about it in next episode. And I liked how Yap (Edwin Siu) was in this! XD He has the same hairstyle too, the one afterwards. He's gonna get hurt tho i bet D:
And I guess Natalie's character isn't 18. Which is better. I was wondering... the korean guy she wanted to see in Seoul.. who was it?! Anyone know?! XD I can't tell when she says it in chinese. I liked the idea of them going to Super Junior concert, TVB been using SJ so much when they talk about korean celebrities. Okay, off topic. Anyway, I anticipate to see Nancy starting boxing. :)