happy 3rd anniversary
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Happy 3rd Anniversary!!

Yes, it's Simply TVB's 3rd birthday!! That was fast... and this is the only year that I'm actually in my own country and have internet access to type up this post lol. The past two years, I had vacation at the same time.
And so, I thank those that have come across this blog and read my posts, thanks for supporting this blog. Hopefully I will have some more interesting posts to come xD
So.. 3rd birthday, here's a new layout with a new little header with Myo and Selena from Wish and Switch. At first was gonna use the colour version but it didn't fit well so made it black and white. Seems like the whole layout is a little gloomy for a 3rd anniversary?
Well anyway, started the first episode yesterday, was alright, can't wait to see more scenes of Selena :D
And it seems this new layout has comments..?! Feel free to leave me a comment~ :DD

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