My Sister of Eternal Flower Review

Episodes: 20
Genre: Modern
Cast: Raymond Lam, Charmaine Sheh, Toby Leung, Pierre Ngo, Jazz Lam, Yoyo Chen
My Comments:
I've anticipated this series since it looked good. It wasn't as good as I thought it would be but I guess it's alright. It can get a bit 'mo liu' at times. The ending was pretty weird and some scenes were really necessary too, like the part where Yoyo getting in a car accident, Raymond going to marry Yoyo and the marathon too, though it was some idea at the end. The series was kinda funny at first but I guess it just went..normal?! Not very funny or anything in particular, can get a bit boring at times too. I liked Raymond's character, he was funny and kinda a refreshing role since he's always so serious in his other roles. Lots of people got annoyed because of Charmaine's voice and everything, I guess I was okay with it but yeah I did get irritated by it at some point. I personally don't really like watching Toby so much but in this series she was enjoyable watching, her and Pierre.
It's weird how Raymond choose Charmaine, a girl with 10yr old capacity over Yoyo, the normal and better one. (now don't get offended Charmaine fans, im talking abt their characters here) I doubt anyone would do that in real life, so the series is pretty unrealistic. I also find it weird how Raymond did show he kinda minded that their future child might be like Charmaine but in the end she gets pregnant... -_-" I recon.... they don't have enough time to talk about other stuff so they just skipped a bunch.... they should of cut the Yoyo parts and talk about other stuff...

Raymond Lam (Zhang Yik/Hugo) - Like I said before, I enjoyed watching Raymond because he was more a silly character in here. It was pretty funny the robbery scene and also the parts where he was chasing after Charmaine. After those parts, the series became.. a bit.. not as interesting I guess. I didn't like how he was so lazy and stuff when he lived in Charmaine's house and she defended him so much :/
Charmaine Sheh (Fa Lai Chu) - Charmaine did well portraying this role but yeah, it did get a bit annoying at times... her voice and everything. But then she IS playing a girl with capacity of 10yr old. Charmaine and Raymond wasn't really the couple I enjoyed most watching.
Toby Leung (Fa Lai Ping/Jenny) - I liked watching Toby's character, especially her scenes with Pierre. I don't really have much to say about her...
Pierre Ngo (Luk Ho Cheung/Mike) - They make it like he's really gonna die but he doesn't... loool... He's pretty short too when standing next to Toby haha XD At first I thought he was gonna be some villain but I guess it turned out he likes Toby lol.