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No Regrets 1 - 10 Thoughts

*Spoilers to those that have not watched up to ep 10*


I've watched 10 episodes of No Regrets and am finding it very interesting to watch. It wasn't boring at all. Was interesting from the start. I had a feeling that Sheren was not really the villain. But funny how she and her family are so different. It's getting interesting, I anticipate the next episode where Wayne gets to know more of Sheren. At first, I really thought that Sheren was probably not the real daughter but it should be.

Episode 10 was quite epic where Sheren's father listened to the tape where Sheren says she can't stand seeing people suffering from drugs. Sheren finds out and tapes exactly the same of his uncle's. It was SO funny when the tape was showing!! XD I looled.

Sheren is really smart, just like the character she was like IN RB. You can't really guess her, I find that interesting and somehow funny. She actually took half a year to help Wayne take his revenge! XD Wayne is also very smart compared to his character in RB. Anticipating see more of them! ^^ Impressed how her character can be so calm when she knows something is coming up. XD

On the other side, I also enjoy watching Fala and Raymond. The two added chaeracters. Pity Fala has such an illness at her age. They love each other but she doesn't want to start a relationship with him because of her illness. I wonder what will happen next! xD

The first three episodes talked a lot about Pierre Ngo, his character is more liked here than in RB. I found Pierre to be very funny in the beginning where he refused to take off his shirt coz he was not used to it! XD I didn't like seeing him cry, it was... weird... but anyway. Liked how Wayne still helped him all the way till the end even though he made him lose so much money.

Say, I was expecting Kara's character to be more... like... important?! Her character isn't much I guess. Well, she was wasn't very much in RB either?! She was scared of the other wives. At first, I thought she was in Sheren's family but nup, she plays Raymond's mother.

Lucky last... Nancy, she just appeared. I find Nancy's character to be VERY annoying, no offense. She's somehow spoiled, she kinda ignores people's words and when something bad happens she panics like hell.

Anyway, that's about all characters?! I wonder when the Japanese war will come?! No wait, I forgot Susan Tse... well don't have too much thoughts about her character...

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