Fala Chen, Kate Tsui & Elaine Yiu face changes together
Fala Chen, Kate Tsui & Elaine Yiu face changes togetherFriday September 3, 2010 Hong Kong
Source: ChinaPress.com, omy.sg (28/08/2010)
Translated by: aZnangel @ http://asianuniverse.net/forums/

The media looked back at Fala Chen's photos and discovered that since her debut in 2005's MCI until now, in 5 years, there is a 3 times difference in her chin. Her short and small chin became 'sharp sharp sharp' in 2007.
As for Kate Tsui, 6 years ago when she debuted, her nose bridge was not as defined, but in recent years she has a much higher nose and straighter nose bridge.
Fala angered by plastic surgery rumors
Last Saturday when Fala attended the Can't Buy Me Love press conference, the media asked about the strange sharper chin change, once she heard this she was angry: "Now what? It was already said before that I got plastic surgery to look like this, and said that I got a boob job, now trying to say that I did a chin job too! Before when I accepted a skincare advertisement, are you all trying to stop me from earning money. I rather you write about my rumors than accusing me of plastic surgery." Then she walked over to Charmaine Sheh and continued to throw a tantrum: "Write about Charmaine and I being lesbians, stupid!"
Currently in Mainland, Kate has not responded. As for Elaine Yiu, all she said was "Not responding."
My Comments:
Don't know if this is true, but I don't really believe it?! But I found Fala's reactions funny! ^^ Especially how she said "Write about Charmaine and I being lesbians, stupid!" I think Fala's chin was just how she said, she got thinner... Who the hell is Dr Reborn O.o sounds and reminds me of the Anime Reborn to me... lol...