Which couple do you want to see most again?

We haven't seen them in a while since HOG and MR. To me, they're an okay couple. Guess many people like them. Would you vote for them?

This is a couple that we haven't seen in a real while... Well, they're okay to me, I just liked Eternal Happiness a lot! :)

Well, you can't say we haven't seen them in a while, we just seen them in MOL. They're a nice couple. :D

We see them all the time, but I'm never bored of them, I do want to see them together again XD

They've only paired up once but I really liked them together, I think they're very cute and I'd LOVE to see them pair up again! ^^ Hopefully there will be a chance. My vote will go for them.

Some people are bored of them? I like this couple, but it's true we've seen them many times already. Whatever series it is, with either one of them, they're paired up.

I don't really like them...
They are obviously other couples, but this is all I can think of atm. Vote others if you don't like any of these.