My Fav Couple Stories in TVB
Well, the following stories are the stories that I liked in TVB series. Note they are ranked in order :) There are probably more but these are ones I currently can think of ^^

I'm sure I'm not the only one. Everyone LOVES this. Eternal Happiness is really one of my favorite dramas and stories. I really really enjoyed watching it, they were so cute ^^ I love stories how the girl is smart while the guy is a little 'dumb-ish'. And how the girl disguises herself as a boy. I think these stories are very sweet, but not all are a success, EH is one. I loved the part where Ray finds out that Michelle is Lai Guan~ :)

Hahas, Ray again! ^^ But I seriously loved this story too. I didn't know Selena much back then, but they were such a cute couple, had a cute storyline ^^ I know everyone wanted Ray and Tavia together more, but instead it was the other way, but you have to admit, it wasn't bad this way either... I've always wanted Selena and Raymond to pair up again in a series but I don't think it's very likely, but I will anticipate that day ^^ Ray is too busy these days... :/

Another type of couple story I love is bickering couples! XD Love how they used to always dislike each other and have arguments and sooner they develop feelings for each other ^^ Chilam and Charmaine is one of them in this series, really enjoyed watching them too. Still remember the time where Charmaine was playing with Chilam and he already fell for her ^^ So cute~

Haha, I loved their story, they were absolutely FUNNY~~ I loved the parts where they're like cheating each other, Bosco gets near Natalie coz he thinks she's a rich girl ^^ I love the part where Natalie imagines herself making fun of Bosco's family so they'll have them but instead, it was the other way. And also the part where Bosco goes to Natalie's house to eat and then he keeps thinking that she is disguising herself and etc etc XD

I loved this drama and this couple too. Both of them my fav actor and actress ^^ Their story was cute too, i liked how they kept flirting around, they didn't EXACT have an ending was it was cute enough in the end where Kenneth mistakes Selena wanting to have a kiss :)

On the other hand, Kenneth was a much more serious person here, but I still enjoyed this story ^^ Serious people are funny when it comes to love... lol Funny how there were the only couple with the 'best' ending in the series. I'd probably be better if the series was a grand production with OTHER actresses other than Cilla and.... the other one...

Well, they were okay but I also enjoyed watching them. And I thought they would look weird together at first but it ended up quite alright ^^
I bet there were more but these were ones I remembered :) Here's a poll again ^^ I'm guessing Michelle and Raymond will win ^^