In The Eye of Beholder Thoughts

Just felt like writing this. I watched 7 episodes, ep 8 out tonight. I was anticipating for this, so I decided to watch it online instead of waiting for TVBJ. I think it was quite interesting and entertaining. It reminds me of A Bride for a Ride. But hopefully better than ABRAR. Really love the themesong, it's hilarous! XD
But I find it kinda weird how they found out Moses is Tong Bak Fu so easily and in Ep 7 O.o I didn't expect that at all.... I keep wondering... if they found out already, what are they gonna talk about for the rest of the episodes? That's another thing that reminded me of ABFAR. In ABFAR, i also didn't expect Chin Ka Lot to 'take away' Sammul so quickly. It seems that Beholder is very quick too the storyline. I just hope it's not as boring as A Bride for a Ride. Personally, I didn't like ABFAR that much.
But for Beholder, I am really looking forward to Fala's appearance! And she STILL hasn't appeared yet!! Even Chris has... and I was also wondering, is he ever gonna appear AGAIN? It seems like he's a guestrole for some reason. I didn't see much of his face in the themevideo either... Also look forward to Elaine and Johnson's storyline. In Elaine's profile for Shek Lau, it says that Johnson fell in love with her after the 'kiss' but he didn't, so I really wonder how they will fall in love. ^^ Hopefully this series won't be too bad ^^ Enjoying it at the moment.