New Banner! O.O
Okay... I KNOW I EXAGGERATED IT...! I wanted to make it simple and nice but then it wouldn't work so I decided to make it like a battle or something HAHAHA XDD Yeah I know... bit too exaggerating... I don't like it that much. I used a lot of layers for this.. hehe. Well, soon I will be changing the whole layout anyway so bear with it for now if you really really hate it ^^Or maybe I should of added quotes on the header next to them like they're really on a battle field! haha XD eg.
Tavia - You can't fight against me! Coz I'm Yiu Gam Ling!! MUHAHAHA
Sheren - Hehh... You think you can defeat me?! No way! You're too naive! I have Sei Lai Lai clan! I am the Queen of Acting!!
Oh.. I just realized... I forgot to write "Simply TVB" on the header O.o .... Nevermind...
I wanted to change to the next layout before but then i really like the current layout so I decided to use it again. I'll change when I'm on hiatus. Made the hiatus banner too, I quite like it. Won't reveal who it's featuring but I can say it's kinda from a drama ^^ LOL. Don't bother guessing, just wait~ Will be on hiatus sometime in December this month. ;)
And when I'm on hiatus, I will be back around end of January. I hope I won't lose a lot of readers!! (>.<) I think I lost some readers the last time I was on hiatus... which was last year. So, Remember to come back and check on me!! I'll miss everyone!!!