d.i.e again

Name: D.I.E Again/古靈精探B
Episodes: 25
Genre: Modern Action
Cast: Roger Kwok, Sonija Kwok, Derek Kwok, Nancy Wu etc
Members of the once dissolved "Death Investigation Extension (D.I.E.)" have been called together. YUE CHI LONG (Kwok Chun ON), CHEUNG CHING YEE (Kwok Jing Hung) and other team members are all gearing up to crack unsolved cold cases with their usual out-of-the-box style. YING CHING CHING (Kwok Sonija) has been looking forward to this for a long time. She is so excited that she even brings along her baby son to work! LONG is not happy about this, yet he has no choice but to take turns with other team members to take care of the baby, bringing about rounds after rounds of hilarious episodes. CHING discovers by chance that her son has inherited LONG's supernatural powers. In order to prove to LONG she is as capable as him as an inspector, CHING makes use of their son's powers in investigating. LONG is even more displeased, and their relationship has suffered a great deal. Later, LONG finds out that a bad guy is using YING PUI PUI (Nancy Wu), CHING's younger sister, to attack CHING and their son. LONG gets ambushed and put in a coma, during which he has an out-of-body experience. Seeing that his wife and son are in danger, his spirit takes over YEE's body, unexpectedly resulting in.
My Comments: YAYY! The series is finally out!! Can't wait to watch it. But I guess I'll have to wait for a while... The plot seems good ^^ And I wonder who's that so called "bad" guy. Edwin Siu??
Episodes: 25
Genre: Modern Action
Cast: Roger Kwok, Sonija Kwok, Derek Kwok, Nancy Wu etc
Members of the once dissolved "Death Investigation Extension (D.I.E.)" have been called together. YUE CHI LONG (Kwok Chun ON), CHEUNG CHING YEE (Kwok Jing Hung) and other team members are all gearing up to crack unsolved cold cases with their usual out-of-the-box style. YING CHING CHING (Kwok Sonija) has been looking forward to this for a long time. She is so excited that she even brings along her baby son to work! LONG is not happy about this, yet he has no choice but to take turns with other team members to take care of the baby, bringing about rounds after rounds of hilarious episodes. CHING discovers by chance that her son has inherited LONG's supernatural powers. In order to prove to LONG she is as capable as him as an inspector, CHING makes use of their son's powers in investigating. LONG is even more displeased, and their relationship has suffered a great deal. Later, LONG finds out that a bad guy is using YING PUI PUI (Nancy Wu), CHING's younger sister, to attack CHING and their son. LONG gets ambushed and put in a coma, during which he has an out-of-body experience. Seeing that his wife and son are in danger, his spirit takes over YEE's body, unexpectedly resulting in.
My Comments: YAYY! The series is finally out!! Can't wait to watch it. But I guess I'll have to wait for a while... The plot seems good ^^ And I wonder who's that so called "bad" guy. Edwin Siu??