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new layout!

hey, new layout la!! the layout looks okay right? and yes my banner is raymond wong and vivien yeo from a great way to care, i'm still watching it at the moment, quite slow. and i find the series quite alright. i was going to put the tagboard on the page so everyone didn't had to click on 'tagboard' to leave a message but it didn't really work out. but this layout is better than the one before right? at least you dun need to click 'blog' to get to my updates! XD oh and also, i expanded the tagboard, so its easier to view now and did i mention before?
i know many people couldn't see what they were typing when leaving a message but now i registered a new cbox. so everyone should be able to see it now. if theres any problems, please tell me! ^^ Thanks.
If you realized, I made a new button (I make one every new layout lol) check it out! XD there's one thing i don't like abt the new layout. the navigation is kinda squished, if you see the orginial one, the banner was supose to be an icon and welcome message next to it and then the navigation was wider but for some reason, it shrinked?! O_o okay, back to the point, thing i hate is that the right side of the layout, it's weird.... you get what i mean. nvm. that's it for now. byebye~ will update guessing images next time.

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