a great way to care thoughts

i've watched 14 episodes of a great way to care and currently am enjoying the series. each episode and is quite exciting to watch. the cases they talk about are very interesting. currently i am watching the one that Martha's (Yoyo Chen) brother thinks he's gay which is played by Stephen.
alex fong/kate tsui:
alex fong is quite smart in this series. he's even smarter than the police like ben wong. that is funny but overall his character is okay. i find it funny how he confessed to kate. well it was bell (his daughter) and raymond wong that was asking him if he likes kate. and he was like she's okay. and they were like, who's she? and then he says, "Fine! I like Mo Mun Yi happy?" and then he finds out that Kate is on the webcam and heard everything. the next day, kate waits for the confession. they drived up to the mountains and alex's expressions and stuff were so funny! he was like introducing himself O__o and then saying "if we hold hands, will it look weird?!" LOL.
raymond wong/vivien yeo:
i like watching them alot too. they are so funny and hilarous. you see why i made a banner of them? hehe. though i haven't watched up to where vivien isn't fat anymore. i believe the next time she appears, she will be normal. and raymond wong's expression are soooo funny. especially in episode 3 how vivien jumped over him.
overall, i like this series, at least its more exciting and interesting compared to thershold. about 6 more episode to go~~