benz funny expressions
i've been watching just love 2 as everyone knows. i find benz really funny in the series especially his expressions and reactions. and these two scenes are currently my favorite and which made me laugh ^^
Benz: Of course, thanks alot because of you (in the bad way if u get me)
Person A: It's coincidence we met, let's take a picture for memory!
Person B: Smile! 1..2..3!
Benz: (Smiles when she says 1, 2, 3, as soon as she takes it, his smile drops)

benz: ms kot's (sunny's mum) horrible daughter in law?
*flashes back how jessica uses law to scare him*
benz: mr kot's (sunny) horrible wife?
*flashes back how jessica was hitting him with a bag*
benz: the "horrible" judge that made have to do "社會fokmoling"
*flashes back how jessica judges his case*
benz: is my daughter?!??! *with the funny reaction*
it's funny how he used the word horrible to descibe her ^^ sorry, bad translation.