Out of control Indonesian domestic helper threatens Sonija Kwok and her mom with a knife, pulls Sonija's hair and bites her

Source: The title and content were directly translated from The Sun
Translated by travelbug @ http://asianfanatics.net/
Out of control Indonesian domestic helper threatens Sonija Kwok and her mom with a knife, pulls Sonija's hair and bites her
So many unlucky incidents happen to Sonija Kwok! Yesterday her Indonesian domestic helper went crazy, most likely because of love problems, put a kitchen knife on Sonija's neck and also bit her arm, Sonija and her mother were almost subdued, finally they called the police for help! Sonija was so scared that she cried, afterwards she went to the hospital for treatment, luckily her injuries were minor!In recent years negative news about Sonija has never stopped, yesterday she had a 'disaster of blood', her maid pulled out some of her hair and bit her arm! Yesterday morning at 9am, in her sleep Sonija heard her domestic helper crying loudly, she went out to her living room to see her maid in a daze, repeatedly saying: "I don't know what happened to me!" When Sonija tried to comfort her, she showed her sms messages, Sonija suspected her maid's boyfriend wanted to break up and asked her to control her emotions, but after her maid made a series of phone calls, she suddenly embraced Sonija and said: "You're so nice! You have to help me!" Her tone of voice abruptly changed and even ordered Sonija: "You make up!" Sonija had no choice but to change her clothes and put on makeup.
Very strong, took 3 policemen to subdue
But suddenly her maid went into the kitchen, took a kitchen knife and put it on Sonija's neck, in this critical situation, she urged her domestic helper to hand over the knife, after she got it she immediately handed it to her mother and used the opportunity to call the police for help! When she was calling the police, her maid suddenly went crazy, pulled Sonija's hair, refused to let go and bit her arm at the same time, Sonija's mother tried to separate them, but the maid was very strong and in confusion her mother was pushed to the sofa! After 5 minutes, 3 policemen arrived at the scene but at that time the three of them were tangled together, Sonija had an inspiration in a moment of desperation, she pushed her maid to the wall, rushed to open the door to let the policemen in to tidy up the aftermath, but the maid was still agitated, the policemen had to use shields to subdue her!Afterwards, Sonija went to Kwong Wah Hospital for treatment and it was confirmed her left arm was bitten! She had bandages on both arms and Sonija said she was given a tetanus injection, she also had a blood test to examine for bacteria, then she went home to rest. After resting, Sonjia went to TVB City in Tseung Kwan O to accept an interview with The Scoop, during which she waved to the reporters, it seemed her mood had almost returned to normal. Around 5pm, Sonija along with Halina Tam and Fiona Sit, went to film ICAC 2009 outdoors. Half an hour later, Sonija returned to Kwong Wah Hospital emergency room: "Results of the blood test show I have Hepatitis B antibody deficiency, so the doctor suggested a vaccination."
Terminates the contract, maid admitted to hospital
In addition, during The Scoop interview Sonija said: "My Indonesian maid has worked for me for 10 months, I don't understand why she lost control, I was very scared! My mom was not injured, she only dropped her glasses when we were tangled, my left arm was injured, but I cannot touch my wound, I'm afraid I may pull the flesh out, my wound is still swollen and oozing blood! (Are you going to press charges?) The police asked but I don't think I will, I'll terminate her contract and also go to the Labor Department and the Immigration Office, so she cannot work at other families after her release." TVB executive Virginia Lok said she called Sonija's mother, but at that time there was a lot of background noise and heard: "She's biting the nurse's finger!" It was known that the domestic helper has been admitted to the Kwai Chung Psychiatric Hospital.
Comments: Scary ==