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Greatness Of A Hero Thoughts
I haven't watched alot of Greatness, but watched a few. The series is so far so good I guess. Different people have said its good or bad. Personally at the current state, I think this series is alright. I don't watch all the episodes due to exams recently, so you see my lack of updates. I will have more exams soon, so I might not able to update. Anyway, back to the thoughts. Well, this series doesn't make me want to keep watching, but its pretty alright. I quite enjoy watching Leila though. I think alot of people die in this series and the ending is sad too, right?

Kent - Well, he's alright, nothing much to say though.

Sunny - He's funny in this series, I like how he always argue with Bernice. It's funny. Also like how he likes Leila so much.

Bernice - Her character is alright. I don't really like her acting that much though. But I like watching her with Sunny.

Sonija - Her character isn't very interesting or boring. Bit on the boring side. I was wondering how she's Kent's wife. Their age is abit..far away? Well at least they don't look good together. Her past was sad though. I would hate to have such parents.

Wayne - Oh his character is quite good. Haven't seen him play evil, but it's not bad, but I still prefer his acting in Gentle Crackdown 2 more.

Leila - Leila is my favorite character of all. I used to like her but stopped coz she doesnt film TVB. But I just start to like her again. Looking forward to Man In Charge.

Rebecca - Her character is cool. She played Mo Chak Tin very well.

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