Patrick Tang pretends to kiss Selena Li
Patrick Tang pretends to kiss Selena Li

Credit: LeeShiYun
Note: Please credit if reposted elsewhere.
Harlem and Patrick as "Boom Boom Ba's" host, ratings have reached up to 26 points, highest was 28 points. Yesterday, the guests were Kate Tsui, Bosco Wong, Selena Li and Michael Tse.
Yesterday was Selena Li's birthday, she and her rumoured boyfriend, Patrick Tang became Harlem's laughing stock. When the show had started, Harlem asked Selena to use her body to make sounds, but Patrick laughs at her saying "小狗女在叫春" (directly translated = little dog girl calling for spring, I have no idea what it means, sorry.) Harlem says loudly, "How do you chase after her?" Patrick was speechless. When they were taking photos, newsporters requested Patrick to kiss Selena to wish her happy birthday. Although he looked embarrassed, but in the end, he pretended to kiss her. Selena says Patrick did give her a birthday present, but didn't reveal what it was. Asked her if it was a house? She says if so, then she can't recieve it. Patrick said that you can wear the present, to Selena, his present is very precious? He smiles and says, Most precious is that if the present is from your heart (心意, dunno how to say that in english).
My Comments: YAYY! Selena went on Boom Boom Ba! Can't wait for this episode to come!!! ^^ Sorry for the poor translation though.