BeyondThe Realm of Conscience Costume Fitting
BeyondThe Realm of Conscience/Palace Scheme Costume Fitting

For Tavia...maybe coz its red and so bright and even her makeup too, it already tells you she will be a high cocubine. But I actually don't really like what she wears and her thingy on her head.
For Tracy, her's is better I guess? Her clothes are nice, quite plain ish. Her hair thingy is alright.
I like Selena's one more. I like what she'es wearing out of all and her hair nice but the thing pointing out is a bit funny. I like the dangling thing near her face.
And last, Mandy, her's is really good too. I like her clothes alot, can't really decide if I like her's more or Selena's, both good. And as for her hair thingy is nice too, I like those dangling things.
Sorry my weird language..calling those hairstyles thingy.... lols, please don't mind, but I really prefer other hairstyles that are not so....weird like those.