As everyone knows, there's bushfire in Australia!! And if you don't know, they say its as big as 3 HONG KONG'S!!! It was so sad hearing the people talk that was there. Over 180 people died and there are still alot of people have been missing and lots injurged and now homeless! They stay at this thing, not sure what it is and i heard water and food are running out! This bushfire is like the biggest one out of 100 years in Australia. It has said that this bushfire wasn't JUST because of the extremely hot weather but also, SOMEONE actually DID this on purpose! Some of the people I have heard on news say:
A man lose two children, he said that he knows that whatever he does, he cannot make them came back alive!
a woman said that she was going to close her eyes, but she knew closing eyes meant to die, so she is still alive now.
I can't remember so many at the moment, but there are heaps more sad stories, the reason I post this, is...just wanted to let people know and if you can, please DONATE TO THE AUSTRALIAN RED CROSS NOW!
Thanks for reading!