Best Actor: Ha Yu

My Comments: Michelle also deverses this award, she played a very outstanding evil role.

Best Supporting Actor: Wayne Lai
My Comments: I'll be a bit pissed if Wayne didn't get this ward, coz he did a brillant job in The Gentle Crackdown II.

My Comments: Very happy that Tavia got this award, she totally deverses it after all her hard work, she should of got nominated in Best Actress before Kate and Linda, evem though she won't get it with Michelle, LSK and Susanna there.

My Comments: Pretty obviously Raymond got this award, he does deserve it.

My Comments: I liked his role in Best Selling Secrets, was very funny! XD

Most Improved Actress: Nancy Wu
My Comments: I'm sure, everyone knows that I like Selena, of coruse I am a bit disapointed that she didn't get it, but never mind. Nancy isn't so bad after all.

My Comments: Pretty obvious again, Moonlight will get this award!

Popularity Award: Raymond Lam

My Comments: Believe it or not, I actually watched a bit of this, she's a bit funny...