Sharon Chan - I really like Sharon's dress, I always liked white dresses and those silvery things look very nice on the dress. I also like the long matching earrings and necklace. The hair is nice too.
Rate: 8.5/10

Rate: 8/10

Rate: 9.5/10

Rate: 6.5/10

Fala Chen - I prefer Fala's last year's award ceremony dress more, this dress is nice, but it may not really suit her? The dress looks cute. but I just don't like it very much, her hair matches the dress, but I recon these dresses doesn't suit her much, it makes her look like a doll, no offense =.=
Rate: 6/10

Gigi Lai - I love Gigi's dress too! Black suits her really nicely. Her hair matches it too. I like those little beads on her dress.
Rate: 9/10

Myolie Wu - I usually don't like Myolie's style but this dress is good. It's very nice and then matching those black boots. But her hair...is just so ridiculous, I really don't like that type of short short hair and I also don't like her golden thingy.Rate: 7.5/10
Charmaine Sheh - I quite like Charmaine's but its way too casual! I like her dresses from the past few years more but this one..is just too casual.
Rate: 6.4/10
Vivien Yeo - I like the top, but I recon this one is casual too. Not very nice. But at least her hair suits it. LOL
Rate: 6/10
Michelle Yim - I don't have much to say about this one, I don't like it very much.
Rate: 5/10
Susanna Kwan - This one is just so...old looking.
Rate: 4/10
Liza Wang - Her's is alright. LOL, she got all covered, not like others!
Rate: 5/10
Christine Ng - Urgg...I don't like this one, it doesn't suit Christine at all. Looks like some cow girl? LOLRate: 3.5/10
Ada Ng - This dress itself is quite nice but I just don't like it, her hair isn't nice either.
Rate: 3.5/10
Maggie - Her's is the WORST! LOL This one is so ugly to me, no offense =.=
Rate: 2.5/10
My Comment: I was going to do the guys too, but then blogger somehow won't let me upload anymore pictures, so I decided not to. And I missed like 2 m0re girls, which is Louise Lee and this girl, not sure her name but I recon their dress isn't that good anyway.