Before I started watching this series, I though it'd be boring and old. But I do have to admit that its actually okay. Even though the cast is old and I don't know Anita Yuen that much, I think the series is alright. Btw, have everyone realized there's 3 miss hk's in this series? Tracy Ip, Mandy Cho and...do you know who else? It's Anita Yuen, if you didn't know, I actually didn't know but my parents said. This series and the title looks like its mystery and stuff. It was tenatived titles 'Suspicious Love' before but changed. Should be. It was kinda funny too, when people were scaring Anita Yuen. I only watched 5 episodes so far, hope this series will go better. Coz it's just alright right now, its not that interesting that makes me keep watching. I like watching bits with Mandy Cho though, I don't like her that much but just like seeing her. Maybe Tracy Ip too...