Series Thoughts - Forensic Heroes II

I have watched episodes 1 - 17 and so far so good. You might can't say it's perfect and really really good. But's good for me. Its quite interesting though. And most interesting for me to watch it Kevin and Charmaine. They're so cute together. Yet Linda and Frankie is so sad. Sigh....does that mean Frankie will not get married?! I kinda like seeing the cases, I like guessing who the murderer is and stuff like that. My most anticipating case is Selena's Case where she gets suspects as the muderer. Currently I'm watching the case of Shirley where they are finding evdience who attacked Shirley. Not much to say about this series actually, its just alright...
Anyway, I decided to do that EXPRESIION post thing every month. But it won't be the same person of coruse, and it will also turn into a poll and also added sidbar of the expression pics link.