Older Series review: The Driving Power

Name: The Drvivng Power/非常外父
Episodes: 20
Cast: Cecila Yip, Adam Cheng, Joyce Tang, Michelle Yip, Kenneth Ma, Wayne Lai etc
My Comments: I haven't really watched the whole thing this time coz I've watched this not long ago. So I couldn't be bothered watching the whole thing so I skipped a few episode. But skipping episodes doesn't mean this series is bad. Its actually a good series but too bad I watched it not long ago and I still remember clearly what happens. Well, in this series, Cecila Yip and Adam Cheng are married and they have a daughter Michelle Yip, alter Michelle was married the Kenneth. Kenneth was actually lieing to them for money. Then Cecila Yip founds out that Adam is cheating her, Adam was also with Joyce Tang. But Adam still loves her. Then later Kenneth falls in love with Michelle. And in the end, Adam has two wives. Breif? Anyway, I liked watching Michelle and Kenneth, especially how Kenneth fell in love with Michelle.
Main Cast Thoughts:
Adam Cheng: After reading my comments, it may sounds he's really 'fa cum' but he's actually not really, he does sometimes play with girls but only playing, but he really loves his wives.
Cecila Yip: Her character is alright, she keeps forgiving Adam Cheng for playing around with firls, the 'playing' im saying is just like flurting with girls not like real playing like those other series.
Joyce Tang: Joyce is alright too, she tries to not fall in love with Adam Cheng but still can't stop it.
Michele Yip: I like Michelle, her character is really soft. She's not like a really smart person, but she's alright. I like her with Kenneth, I've realized they have actually worked together a few times like this one, Lost in the chamber of love and eternal happiness and maybe even more.
Actor: None
Actress: Michelle Yip
Least Fave Character: None
Couple: Michelle and Kenneth
Scene: Funny scenes
My rate to this series: ***.5
Worth Watching?
Well, kinda, its a good series, my first time watching it, i thought it was good. But this is my second time so yeah...its quite funny too.