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All 'The Seventh Day' Polls are closed now! The only poll left is Tai Chi, I'll wait until that poll is ended, then I will put up a new poll. Poll Resluts:

Who is your favorite chracter in 'The Seventh Day'
Kevin Cheng 21% (22 votes)
Niki Chow 48% (50 votes)
Bosco Wong 17% (18 votes)
Natalie Tong 13% (14 votes)

Total of votes: 104

Did you like KN or BN more in 'The Seventh Day'?
KN 70% (29 votes)
BN 19% (8votes)
Both 9% (4 votes)

Total of votes: 41 votes

Wow, look, we've reached up to 104 voters! This is the first time seeing so many people voting, I guess its because of TSD, its a pretty good series, I guess alot of poeple will like it. New Poll coming...should be a better one than the older polls I have. I'll also be changing my banner to the other one maybe on Friday or Saturday and also be leaving the TSD polls there for maybe two days so everyone can have a look, later I'll take it off. Also, when I have time, I'll update the music and I know that the first one doesn't work, the Niki Chow one.

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