Older Series Review: Old Time Buddy

Episodes: 25
Cast: Francis Ng, Gallen Lo, Jessica Hsuan, Maggie Cheung
My Comments: This series was great! It was quite funny, and exciting. There were lof of funny scenes, Francis Ng was really funny in the last two episodes where they were all old. Coz Francis kept himself looking young and Gallen Lo didn't, he said, : 'If I call him Dad, I think everyone would believe it' HAHA, that was funny, there were alot, another one I liked was when the lottery number was '709394' which they said it had a meaning of something, i remeber what it was but I dunno how to explain it...For the people that haven't watched this series before, i recommend everyone to have a try, don't just forget about it because it's old or maybe you think it looks boring, coz I tell you, Its quite funny!
Main Cast Thoughts:
Francis Ng: His acting totally suprised me! It was great, all those actings he did was excatly like the real person he was pretending to be!! Compare to the other series Francis Ng was in, about the plane one, Old Time Buddy's acting was way better, maybe coz his character in that series was more boring?
Gallen Lo: In the series, they always say that Gallen Lo has good acting skills and etc but doesn't have much luck, and for Francis, he doesn't have actings skills and etc but he has luck, thats only in the series, Francis Ng's acting was actually better in Old Time Buddy!
Jessica Hsuan: First I thought Jessica was gonna be paired with Gallen Lo but actually it wasn't, I'm actually glad, Gallen and Jessica are alright, but I think the other wasy is better. Jessica did great too
Maggie Cheung: I haven't seen Maggie in much series, heard that she's not very well...her acting was alright, didn't really like how she likes Francis Ng before she started to like Gallen.
Actor: Francis Ng
Actress: Jessica Hsuan
Least Favorite Character: 'Tsu Gei'
Couple: Francis Ng and Jessica Hsuan
Scene: All funny scenes!!
My rate to this series: ****.5
Worth Watching?
Definatley, a really good and funny series that TVB has produced like how I said before in my comments!