Intro Thoughts: D.I.E

This series is funny!! But at the moment I can't take screencaps, but I will try if I can soon...I love the first episode actually, usually, the first episode aren't that good, usually they're like boring, talking about how it starts but I think D.I.E is maybe a little different. It more funny, but its still talks about the beginning. Hehe I like it when he touchs the evidence of a case then something would come up in his head and when that happenes there's this funny thing, can't really explain but its funny. Also no offense, but I think Sonija's character is really annoying at the momment...its like she's always on the negative side or something, aruges with Roger all teh time, though I like watching aruge but she's just annoying to me. I guess it'll be better soon. The first case was so easy, I knew Leanne Li was the murderer. The second one is more a mystery than the first one. Its also funny when that guy is scared of blood so much, even saying the word 'Blood' he would faint.
And if you didn't know, click on the D.I.E banner and check it out what it say, the letters are a little too small
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