Intro Thoughts: A Journey Called Life

I watched 1-5 episodes of this, and its so far so good. Its not bad but not TOO good. I find theres some funny little scenes, but only a little. For example, Linda is pretending to find something from her step family. And then her step sisters see her suspesious, then she quickly grabs it off her and brings is over to her mum and they open it together and all these cockaroches from the bag comes out and they all go over to her step mother and step sisters body. That was funny. Another one I find a little funny is where, they say 'I hate those people with tatoos and dyed hair!' And then Elaine said ' Tatoo? I have one!' Then Steven's smallest sister asked her where and Elaine said' You want to see? I'll show you (tries to take her shirt off) That was funny, Elaine acts so crazy hahas. I think Linda Chung isn't really disobident in this series, she still cares about her parents, she goes seraching for her mother's '(pondering thing)' for everywhere. And when she finally found it, she was crying and said Mum I finally found you. And after that she started to care about her father more than before so I think Linda isn't that obident and Linda is starting to change after Kent and Steven's influence now.
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