Wars of in Laws II V.s Survivor's Law II
Hi! Firstly I'd say that, I've changed the header again, I know, I changed it again, so fast, that's because everyone has finished 'The Gentle Crackdown II' and I wanted to use this one so I changed it again. I hope you'll all like my new banner, and credits to TVB Reflections for the pictures.Wars of in Laws II V.s Survivor's Law II
Survivor's Law II - 45% (26 votes)
Wars of in Laws II - 54% (31 votes)
Total Votes: 57
Obviously, the winner to my poll is Wars of in Laws II, at first when the poll started, it was always Survivor's Law II having the most votes, it had ups and downs during the voting session but near the end of the poll, I see the results start to change, Wars of in Laws II start to get more votes. My pick was actually Survivor's Law II, but in the end, the other won. I haven't got the next poll on yet, but will soon. Just don't know what kind of poll, should I put up. Anyone have suggestions???