The Seventh Day - KN & BN Thoughts
Note: The following KN scenes are ones I like, BN scene isn't my favourite but it's okay and KN screencaos not mine, BN screencaps are mine.

Niki: Sorry, I made you lost your Job
Kevin: Actually, I didn't lose my job, I'm just having holidays
Niki: Why did you lie?
Kevin: If I didn't do that, you wouldn't come back to me
Niki: (hits him)
My Thoughts to KN: KN is a really romantic couple, I start to like watching them since BN aren't really funny now, but I still like them more. KN is actually quite interesting I think up to where Niki has cancer, I hope she won't die in the end. It's was funy when Kevin said he didn't lose his job but having holidays, he lied to Niki.

Natalie is going to Japan for school since she cannot find a job at the moment, when they're at the airport, Bosco didn't want Natlie to leave so he was like:
Bosco: Bye! (taking Natalie's luggage away with him)
Natalie: Hey! You got my luggage
Bosco: Oh, I thought I was picking you up.
Natalie: Don't play around.
Then Natalie tried to get her luggage back, she then touches Bosco's hand by accident, then Bosco suddenly huggs her and said Don't Leave. Natalie then thought if she really stayed she would wreck Bosco and Charmaine Li's love. (they're not realy together though, Bosco and Charmaine Li) Then Natalie leaves. When she gets to Japan she thinks back when she asked the taxi to stop so she can see Bosco and then Bosco would take her to the airport.
My thoughts to BN: I love this couple, they aruge all the time, I love watching this kind of couples. But then after 10 episodes, they don't aruge much but turns to friends but they still love each other. They still thinking back sometimes like when they started to fall in love etc...Also the next episode of this will show Natalie and Bosco in Japan and then they would kiss. Also, I've found magazines of BN filming TSD and found an animation of Bosco buing Pads, was really funny. If you would like me to post it out, leave me a messege, coz this post is too long, if you want me to, I'll post on my next post. Thanks! =]