Lydia Sum's Death - R.I.P

Lydia Sum: 1945-2008
Yesterday, when I came back from school, I heard my mum talking about Lydia Sum(沈殿霞/肥姐)'s Death! I was so shocked when I heard that. Then later I was watching some news, since it was on, it was talking about Lydia Sum's death, they say she died in the morning when she was at home. I'm not really sure the main reason but we all know that recently she has been suffering from illness. The news said she got diabetes, cancer and etc I can't remembr, only remembered these. Also this morning, also saw more news, about it, they showed these other artists from TVB talking about, I didn't have time, so I coulnd't listen to it. I feel sad for her family and friends, her daugther must feel really sad, hope she'll get better. I think this might be an attack to HK, since Lydia Sum was the 'Happy Fruit' (開心果) in HK, also I remember seeing news, saying the Prime Minister from Hong Kong talking about this, I see his eyes a little watery too. I guess alot of people would be sad about this.
She attended the 40th Anniversary and look! She's goten so skinny and her voice is changing, sad

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