First, Ella sees her ex-boyfriend come into the court and Kenneth Ma says, isn't he the guy that was with you before? and this is what they said:
Ella: Well, I called him 師兄, so that means, he's also a laywer, hey how do I look?
Kenneth: Great, better than my breakfast from this morning
Ella: Really? What did you eat this morning?
Kenneth: Pork Steak (豬排)
For those, who don't get it, Pork Steak (豬排) also has another meaning, which is ugly. That means, Kenneth Ma meant that Ella looks JUST better than a Pork Steak 豬排. So now do you get it?? It acually kinda funny, so I took some sceen captures and posted them. If you want to see that scene in video, click here, there's the whole scene, the first bit is the scene I was talking about.