People hating Myolie Wu
Yestersay, the Sing Tao Magazine in Australia, has come out, Sing Tao is a newspaper company and has magazine news through Australia and little news about stars and etc. This week, the cover was based on Liza Wang and on the article, there was a liitle talking about Wars of in laws and this little section about Myolie, its all chinese though, the title was something like, 'People from internet hating/blaming Myolie, something like that but not exacly, I didn't have scanners or anything like that so I just used a phone and took two pictures, its kinda blury though. For those people that can't read chinese, I've translated one comment from the section: Note: Missing some of the comments because couldn't be translated
Fan see: Really hate Myolie, hate her look so ugly, no acting skills, smiling and crying has the same face
Here are the pictures of the magaine:

My Comment:
The main reason, I want to post this to show everyone is that I have other comments about Myolie, well of coruse not ones like those. I don't really think that Myolie is that ugly, I know she's not really really pretty, but I think she's okay, people kept saying she's ugly and have no acting skills, if she really don't have acting skills, she wouldn't be popular now. To be honest, i kind of dislike Myolie but I don't think she did a really bad job. People saying she did a bad job and everything in 'Was of in Laws II' but I think she did a good job, maybe she is not as good as others like Bosco but she didn't really did that bad. I'm sure everyone has their own thoughts, some people like Myolie but some people don't. I know maybe I'm posting this is kinda of wasting time and everything but I just wanna give comments. I wonder if those people know that they're comments are on magazines' hehe.