New Series - The Gentle Crackdown II

Name: The Gentle Crackdown II
Episodes: 20
Main Cast: Steven Ma, Yumiko Cheung, Ha Yu, Wayne Lai, Lo Koon Lan
Quick Synopsis:
Chan Sai Mui (Yumiko Cheng)'s father died when she was very little, as a sercurite guard, she became a determined woman who protests her village. But sometimes, she can get things really misunderstanding. Then when Tse Wong Sheung (Steven Ma) the new argicultural official came, she mistaken that he was a theif and after the days they were like enemies, he would avod from her in case anything would happen. His father, Tse Chong Tin (Ha Yu) invited Tai Tsung Man (Lai Yiu Cheng) to be his son's assistant. Then things started to happen, later on, Chan Sai Mui started to fall in love with Tse Wong Sheung, but he doesn't like her so he asked people for tips and soon he would fall in love with her.
My Comments:
This series sounds interesting to me, I remember the first one was good, but they changed all the main casts in this one. I guess Steven Ma would do a good job but Yumiko, I'm not really sure, since I haven't seen her in any series. Hope she'll do a good job too, but it just fells a little weird, just don't see her in series, I think maybe they should of used someone else. The poster looks cool though, don't you think??